by Gary Lemke published February 8, 2020
Recently someone recommended that we come together to support the president. How did that work when President Obama was in office? Many Republicans worried about the color of his skin which was black unlike the orange skinned “silver spoon baby” in there right now.
After rigging the election he is living on the coattails of President Obama whom had over 60 months of declining unemployment after years of job losses.
Dopey Don gave tax breaks to the “rich and greedy” at the expense of the hard working middle class who will pay the bill for his exploding deficit. He’s a pro at bankrupting companies-he is well on the way to bankrupting this great country and we will pay the bills. Let’s see his taxes!
His tax cut helped the stock market for the 50% who still can afford to participate but Obama more than doubled it without handouts to the ” rich and greedy” and handed Dopey Don a booming economy he will destroy if given another chance.
His trade deals(?) have cost business and farmers millions and we keep subsidizing shortfalls. How many times do they have to be kicked in the head before they realize what it is costing them.
No Evangelical group should support the corruption of this hypocrite who has violated EVERY commandment in the Bible including murder (Saudi Journalist) and who know how many babies he has had disappear. Does the phrase Anti-Christ come to mind!
He’s Making Russia Great Again-Hail to the Liar ‘n Chief!