(Meeting Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Chilton Public Library, 6:30 PM)

Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 16, at the Chilton Public Library, 6:30 PM. We do have a
a guest, John Zarbano, who is running in the Wisconsin 6th CD is coming to speak to us and
collect a few signatures to appear on the ballot. The only city in the 6th district he would be
representing is New Holstein. So, if you live in New Holstein it is extremely important that you
attend this meeting! We will also be signing petitions for Tammy Baldwin.

Larry and I attended the 8th Congressional District Convention, and we met several candidates, and I have to say the Democrats are looking good. There are many assembly districts that haven’t had Democrats run in years, but the change of maps brought a lot of hope and enthusiasm . There are several more Democrats running that have not had an opportunity in the past. The Tri-County Influence campaign (Door, Brown, Kewaunee) are pushing their influence all over the country with their signs, and help for grassroots organizations. And also there is a very strong coalition of women behind assembly runs; a Brown County Assist. DA is running for assembly, so all of this looks more promising for the Dems this year.

Dr. Kristin Lyerly, who is a candidate for the 8th CD spoke, and she was very well received. Most of you who attended a previous meeting here in Chilton, have already been introduced to her. Many of you know her family is from Charlesburg. She thinks she can get past, Eric Hovde, the Republican’s recruit from California, and Tony Wied, who jumped in and apparently is Trump’s chosen one.

A reminder, we have an Adopt-A-Highway day coming up April 20. Larry will fill you in with details at the meeting April 16. We are working the stretch of Highway 57/32, New Holstein to Kiel, and will be meeting around 9:30 am, but that is slightly flexible. We need 2 more people.

Hope to see you all at our next meeting: April 16, Chilton Public Library, 6:30 PM.

Doreen Woelfel