March 2024
(Meeting Tuesday, March 19, 2024 Chilton Public Library, 6:30 PM)
Hello, fellow Democrats, welcome to March! We have “survived” Super Tuesday, and now it’s time to get involved. A handful of Democrats cannot change the trajectory of this election. Everyone must step up!! This is not the time to sit back and watch, or we will all be watching the decline of Democracy and the aftermath. There are so many issues we are facing as a country, state and community.
Republicans continue to support oppression of women, threatening elderly with pulling SS out from under us, lack of support for higher education, continuous decline of healthcare in many parts of our country, neglected infrastructure, global warming signals that we are surrounded by, even here in Wisconsin. We also cannot ignore the Republican’s continued isolationist views on international issues. From the Ukraine to Israel/Palestine, we cannot just sit back and see what happens. You know what will happen.
So what can we do? Some of you are doing it! Letter writing is an important element to introducing ideas/and or answer the lies and vitriol we have been seeing in local newspapers. Some of you might not feel you can write a letter. You can get help: You can get guidance, suggestions, tactics, wording that can get your opinion across (see Tri County for awful examples of letter writing).
Sign up for Message Monday (, which details the previous week’s political issue, things you can do to get involved and a plethora of information about Wisconsin issues.
We have a Republican senatorial candidate, Eric Hovde, who is eagerly out there promoting the oppression of women and their rights to gain access to abortion and women’s health care over all. We are seeing schools in our area struggling to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for children. There are so many ramifications to supporting the Republican agenda that will impact our communities in the worst ways.
If you would like an opportunity to participate in a caucus, we meet April 28. This will be setting up support for candidates, issues that will be put forward on platforms, and elect representation at state and national conventions. Virtual caucus training is prolific this month: March 16th, 11:00am; March 21st, 11:00am; March 27th, 6:00pm; April 7th, 1:30pm:; April 10th, 12:30pm; April 23rd, 2:30pm; April 25th, 11:00am.
I will send you the Zoom meeting links to any of the above meetings; so please contact me. I urge you to check it out and get educated in this process. We will meet at my house on the 28th of April if you choose to participate.
At the local level we do have a candidate for School Board: Eli Shaver. He is running as a write in candidate for the Chilton School Board, and is an exemplary candidate. I urge you to get signs (he will have signs available), put them up in your yards, knock doors for him, make phone calls. Many of you in Chilton have known Eli and his family, he went to school here, and his children attend school in Chilton as well. He will work hard for our children and community. You can connect with him on Facebook, and message him, if you’d like to help.
We are looking to build community and let our presence known. Many people believe that the Democratic Party in Calumet does not even have an organized group. Well, how’s picking up trash along Highway 57/32, New Holstein to Kiel, for showing support. We have Adopt A Highway signs up and they are still standing, ahem, we have a presence (surely irritating Republicans here). We are gathering Saturday, April 20, volunteers are needed, and this is a good time to do something for our communities and get to know each other, with an opportunity to work together. Please contact me if you can help out on that day, and build up our own community and most importantly please come to our next meeting: March 19, 2024, 6:30 PM, Chilton Public Library. We will also have Biden Harris signs for you to pick up.
Doreen Woelfel, Chairperson, Calumet County Democrats