There are always volunteering opportunities to help advance democracy in the Calumet County area. Below are many to choose from. When in doubt, NOTHING is more important than getting voters to the polls. That means phonebanking and canvassing. Please fill out our general volunteer sign up to begin a conversation with a board member to get you started.
Remember the main goal at hand: Target your precious time wisely; finish the task to the best of your ability. It’s fine to have questions and need each other–we’re stronger together! Your first contact for guidance will be board members and Volunteer Organizer, Jude Allen. Contact info at the bottom of the page.
#21 Co-Treasurer. 1 person to co-share responsibilities, learn the laws, and keep our non-profit clean. Familiarity with Quickbooks desired. Could alternate meeting attendance. Point person: Christine Saukel
#12 Fundraiser Lead-Lead for all member & fundraising events (1 volunteer to coordinate format, approve with board, coordinate spending, budget, themes, & advertising to be uniform across all CC dems events).
#13 Fundraiser Crew-works with the lead to help with the following:
-Organizer for politically oriented fundraising event (1 volunteer to handle all specific needs for event):
-Organizer for non-political community oriented fundraising event (1 volunteer to handle all specific needs for event):
-Organizer for member building social event (1 volunteer to handle all specific needs for event):
#11 County Fair Organizer-Lead CC Fair volunteer needs & tasks (1 volunteer to head up all needs at CC Fair including flyer organization & printing, booth setup & take down, volunteers to sit at booth, & political reps to visit). Much of the groundwork and routine is finished on this! A cohesive tutorial made up and kept in our database would be a wonderful addition.
#10 Parade Coordinator: Someone who will research parade dates and get volunteers, arrange for participants in the ones the group chooses to do. Much of the groundwork has been done on this! It would be great to have a step-by-step tutorial sheet made up that shows how easy it is. Any parade takes a minimum of 4 people. The supplies are usually kept with the Board Chair.
-Larger Committee tasks (2-3 volunteers to manage fundraising activities):
-Brainstorm a list of fundraising activities and events to hand off
-Brainstorm a list of donation strategies
-Assemble a list of business/individuals that may donate
Outreach Committee:
#2 Welcome Package -Create a welcome package for new members (1 volunteer to create package including party contacts & leadership, flyer/email with where to find info, who to contact, get signed up for committees). Touchpoint contacts: Jim Brey, Eli Shaver, Jude Allen
-Get all member data entered into central spreadsheet (1 volunteer to consolidate all data we have into single member spreadsheet to manage past and present members, to be used to activate old membership etc): ~ ELI
#14 New Member Manager.This one is easy. When a new member shows, help them acclimate to our group.-Manager for new member sign up (1 volunteer to get contact info, enter into member spreadsheet, give Welcome Package from #2, & sign new member up for volunteer activities)
#3 Find like-minded causes-Connect with conservation voting groups & find out core issues & concerns (1 volunteer to research conservation groups in CC and find out core issues & if any align w/ CC Dems priorities).
#4 Explainer of All the Things-Make organizing matrix (1 volunteer to create easy to read document that gives info to members about who to call or ask questions (in the party) regarding committee assignments, leadership questions, donations etc. Also, create representative matrix for contacting politicians This blends well with the Welcome Package task #2 and the same person might want to do it, or a second might want to meet with them. Also, see the mission statement from #5
#6 Poll Workers. Volunteer to work the polls for $10/hr and D representation, which is lacking. Need 1 person to create a step-by-step summary of the poll worker process and all the deadline expectations. We will use this info to make poll working an easier task.
#7 County Clerk Database: look up and submit list of all current county clerks inside Calumet County. This info will be utilized when we staff poll workers.
-Larger committee tasks (2-3 volunteers to manage canvassing activities):
#17 & #18 Canvassing and Engagement:
-Brainstorm tactics and strategy (where to go, how many volunteers needed, how to distribute get out the vote efforts)
-Develop “listening” campaign strategy for polling local voters (script, issues to focus on, questions to ask)
-Develop a strategy to get county leaders to pass resolution asking state to set up a non-partisan district drawing board.
-Organize & conduct training event about messaging etc.
-Write email with talking point responses on key issues. To be used by members in emailing representatives
-Write phone script
-Write door to door script
-Organize voter transport volunteers (elderly etc.) for next election
#9 Registration Rules: We need a planner/researcher to activate a program to register voters at every public event any other group holds. Simply do research on the basic laws, apps, paperwork and have a ready-to-go package for democrats to take with them to any event.
Constitution/By Laws/Platform:
#5 Constitution and Mission Statement-Review current constitution and advise on any changes etc.
-Write mission statement
-Write platform statement & issue stances. The mission statement can be brainstormed with a group, with specific points voted on/discussed during wither an Executive Board meeting or a Public Meeting.
-Facebook manager (1 Volunteer, Regularly post to CC Dems Facebook page, coordinate w/ other manager):
#15 Photographer. Take pictures at events and get them slotted into our social media and our archive- (1-2 volunteers to attend events & meetings, take pictures and share with communication committee lead for use in various media). Not all events must be photographed, but please keep an open schedule for our most important out-reach events . Touchpoint person: Jude Allen will help with the social. You are welcome to take over the Instagram account.
#16 Branding-Create standard template for flyers, lit drops, events, & action items (1 volunteer, create standard template with logo & format that can be easily used for various media forms, should have graphic design background):
#1 Investigate places we can advertise. -Call city marquees and find out rules & procedure for posting events etc.(1 volunteer to procure information and report back to communication committee lead). This is to create a hot list of stores, non-profits, community places where we can hang a flier to expand our membership. More than 2 people an do this, but you’ll need to communicate with each other so you don’t overlap.
#19 Local News Hound. Someone to read and make sense of local municipal news, offering info via meetings or blog posts-Follower of all local municipality elected boards, supervisors etc (attend or find info on local political goings on. Provide monthly summary to politics blog lead): Touchpoint: Jude Allen
-Calumet County Board of Supervisors:
-City of Appleton
-City of Brillion
-City of Chilton
-City of Kaukauna
-City of Menasha
-City of Kiel
-City of New Holstein
-Town of Brillion
-Town of Charlestown
-Town of Chilton
-Town of New Holstein
-Town of Rantoul
-Town of Stockbridge
-Town of Woodville
-Village of Harrison
-Village of Hilbert
-Village of Potter
-Village of Sherwood
-Village of Stockbridge
#20 State News Hound Someone to read and make sense of state news, especially pertaining to shady actions by corrupt officials, offering info via meetings or blog posts-Followers of all state & nationally elected officials represent people in Calumet County (Identify action items & opportunities for members to advocate for causes. Provide monthly summary to State & National politics blog lead): Touchpoint: Jude Allen
-Senators: Tammy Baldwin(D), Ron Johnson(R)
-House Representative: District 8 ~Mike Gallagher(R)
-State Assembly: District 3 ~ Ron Tusler(R), District 25 ~ Paul Tittl(R), District 59 ~ Timothy S. Ramthun(R)
-State Senate: District 1 ~ Andre Jacque(R), District 20 ~ Duey Stroebel(R), District 9 ~ Devin LeMahieu(R).
-Politics Blog lead ~ Create a “blog” format local politics, & state & national politics reports (1 volunteer to create formate & manage the regular updating & posting of updates): Jude Allen